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  • Writer's pictureALEJANDRO ESPARZA

The UX Process

The UX Process is different stages that a product takes before being released. The UX Process helps a product by insuring that everything is created and polished for the public. It's in the 5 steps and each step is for different parts of the product. If you take your time on all of the steps your product will be great.

The first step of the UX Process is the strategy. It is where you ask yourself how and why you want to make your product. The last step of the UX Process is the surface. The surface is the most fun of the bunch. It is where you get to put all of your colors and how the user will see it.

With everything that I have learned so far in UX I would pursue it as a career. The reason is because I love creating things. I love using things such as Wix and Photoshop in order to create something for myself or for other people.

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